Community-based participatory research campaigns to build climate resilience
Jeremy Hoffman, PhD joined our Extreme Heat Network webinar series to discuss how community-based participatory research campaigns, known as “citizen science”, can aid in the creation of urban heat island maps and increase extreme heat resilience. He will discuss the impacts of campaigns in Richmond, VA, Baltimore, MD, Washington, D.C., and Boston, MA as case studies.
Jeremy Hoffman, PhD is the Chief Scientist at the Science Museum of Virginia. Dr. Hoffman graduated summa cum laude and with Distinction in Geology from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, then earned his Ph.D. in Geology with a focus in Paleoclimatology at Oregon State University as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow and OMSI Science Communication Fellow. After 2.5 years at the Science Museum of Virginia as their Climate & Earth Science Specialist, producing climate science educational content, he has now assumed the role of Chief Scientist.
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