Participation and Engagement of Public Health Stakeholders in Climate and Health Adaptation

I have a new co-authored journal paper out on engaging public health stakeholders for climate adaption! Using a case study of Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) Coalition on Climate Change and Public Health workgroup and the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS) program, we explored the role of scientist-public health stakeholder collaborations. We discuss the important role public health organizations can play in convening bodies for broader adaptation efforts, the benefits of analyzing and addressing gaps in stakeholder networks, and the need for sustained funding for more robust climate adaptation efforts.

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Austhof, Erika, Vjollca Berisha, Ben McMahan, Gigi Owen, Ladd Keith, Matthew Roach, and Heidi E. Brown. 2020. Engaging public health stakeholders in climate and health adaptation. Atmosphere, 11(3), 265.